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About Us

  • 35000+ 制造厂房(平方米)
  • 20+ 技术积累(周年)
  • 350+ 业绩(台套)
  • 100+ 专利发明(项)


杭州奥拓机电股份有限公司(简称AOTUO证券代码837814)成立于2003年,是一家专注于干散物料港口中转系统整体解决方案、干散物料港口装卸高端装备研发、制造、服务的国家高新技术企业。主导产品为连续式环保型高效螺旋卸船机及仓储、中转站系列装备,包括连续式环保螺旋卸船机、连续式环保螺旋卸煤机、连续式环保熟料卸船机、连续式环保粮食卸船机、高效环保装船机、除尘器、输送设备、计量控制系统、工业自动化系统、智能控制系统等,是“国产替代进口”的典范。AOTUO沉淀了20多年连续式环保螺旋卸船机的研发、制造经验,是浙江省“专精特新”企业,拥有省级企业研究院,100余项发明、实用、外观专利及软件著作权,是国家工信部颁发的JC/T 2575《散装水泥螺旋卸船机》行业标准的负责起草单位,设计最大卸船能力3000t/h、接卸船型达200000DWT。



Corporation introduction:

Hangzhou Aotuo Mechanical and Electrical Co., Ltd. (Abbreviated as AOTUO) was established in 2003. AOTUO is a national high-tech enterprise that specializing in the overall solution of dry bulk material port transfer system, research and development, manufacturing, and service of high-end equipment for dry bulk material port loading and unloading. The leading products are continuous environment-friendly and efficient screw ship unloader and storage and transfer station series equipment, including continuous environment-friendly screw ship unloader, continuous environment-friendly screw coal unloader, continuous environment-friendly clinker unloader, continuous environment-friendly grain unloader, efficient environment-friendly ship loader, dust collector, conveying equipment, metering control system, industrial automation system, intelligent control system, etc. It is a pattern of "domestic substitution for imports". AOTUO has accumulated more than 20 years of continuous environmental protection screw ship unloader R & D and manufacturing experience, is a "specialization,refinement,characteristic ,novelization " enterprise in Zhejiang province, and has provincial enterprise research institute, with over 100 invention, practical, appearance patents, and software copyrights. AOTUO is the drafting company responsible for the industry standard JC/T 2575 "Bulk cement Screw Ship Unloader" issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, with the design of a maximum unloading capacity of 3000t/h and a ship type of 200000DWT.

Under the guidance of the "the Belt and Road" strategy, AOTUO implements a global layout and actively develops the international market. AOTUO is gradually establishing sales and service systems in countries and regions along the Belt and Road, allowing overseas countries to experience and share high-end equipment and services made in China. At present, AOTUOs products and services have been exported to countries such as Australia, Singapore, The Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Bangladesh etc., and are highly favored by customers!










AOTUO shares warmly welcome you!
